Hubungan Status Gizi dan Pola Menstruasi dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Remaja Putri Kelas X di SMAN 6 Cimahi
Anemia, Female Adolescents, Nutritional Status, Menstrual PatternAbstract
Agreeing to WHO (2018), the predominance of frailty in youthful ladies within the world ranges from 40-88%. Whereas the frequency of iron deficiency in youthful ladies in creating nations is 53.7%. Based on Fundamental Wellbeing Investigate information (2018), there has been an increment in cases of iron deficiency in youthful ladies, in 2013 around 37.1%, expanding to 48.9% in 2018. The predominance of iron deficiency in West Java that happens in youthful ladies comes to 41, 5%. Concurring to information from the Cimahi City Wellbeing Office for 2023, the number of detailed female youths who experienced iron deficiency was 37.99%. The affect caused by this frailty happens in aggravated physical and mental improvement, diminished physical work and wage control and expanded horribleness and mortality. Iron deficiency can too cause development unsettling influences, decrease simple to urge debilitated. This consider points to decide the relationship between wholesome status and the rate of iron deficiency and menstrual designs and the rate of iron deficiency by employing a quantitative strategy and a cross sectional approach. The inspecting procedure utilized was basic stratified irregular inspecting of 72 individuals, collecting information by filling out surveys, measuring stature and weight and taking blood tests. Information investigation was carried out univariately with the recurrence dissemination and bivariately with the chi square test. The comes about of the consider wholesome status and the rate of frailty appeared a p esteem (0.006)