Penggunaan Metode Kontrol Kualitas Statistik (Statistical Quality Control) Pada Penanganan Produk Cacat Kain di PT X
Standar kualitas produk yang ditetapkan perusahaan dapat dijaga melalui metode kontrol kualitas produk yang tepat. Kain hasil produksi PT X masih memiliki cacat produk melebihi batas toleransi perusahan yaitu maksimal 2%. Jenis cacat kain diantaranya warna tidak OK (WTO), crease mark dan kotor warna, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis untuk mengontrol kualitas produk pada tiap prosesnya, menggunakan metode kontrol kualitas statistik (SQC). Kontrol kualitas statistik dapat mendeteksi kesalahan proses atau penyebab khusus melalui analisis data yang sudah lampau maupun yang ada saat ini. Pada hasil p-chart ditemukan data kain rayon viskosa 100% mengalami penyimpangan, ditunjukkan dengan adanya titik-titik yang fluktuasinya tinggi dan tidak beraturan, artinya produk cacat banyak diluar batas kendali. Melalui analisis diagram tulang ikan (fish bone) diketahui faktor penyebab cacat kain pada proses produksi, diantaranya pekerja, material, metode dan peralatan. Berdasarkan data kontrol kualitas statistik yang diperoleh dapat dilakukan perbaikan.
Kata Kunci: kontrol kualitas, cacat, peta p, diagram tulang ikan
The product quality standard was set by the company could be maintained through appropriate product quality control methods. The fabric still have product defects that exceed the company's tolerance limit, which is a maximum of 2%. The defects include color not OK (WTO), crease marks and dirty color, therefore it was necessary to conduct analysis by controlling product quality in each process to use method of statistical quality control. SQC could detect error process through analysis of past and current data. As resulted in the p-chart, it was found that data on 100% viscose rayon fabric have very high and irregular fluctuations points, meaning that many products were outside control limits. From analysis of the fish bone diagram that in the production process was found the causes of defects were from worker, material, method and tools. Based on the statistical quality control data obtained, improvements could be made.
Keywords: quality control, defect, p-chart, fish bone diagram